Pregnant Belly Casting Kit

Pregnant Belly Casting Kit
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Pregnant Belly Casting Kit


Low-definition belly casts may not have the detail and skin texture of our professional lifecast sculptures, but they do capture the unique shape of your pregnant body in a fun, simple and effective way. They are easy to make with the help of a friend or partner and great fun to decorate, even with minimal artistic experience - reflecting the beauty and magic of your pregnancy. 

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Keep them white and natural, or use any craft supplies you may have to paint them, stick things to them, try decoupage, stencilling, mosaic - almost anything your imagination can think up, to express your personality and record this incredible time in your life. Pregnant belly casting kits make fantastic gifts for friends or family who are expecting a baby. They can be turned into belly bowls, nappy holders, or used as decorations in the nursery or other family rooms. 

Our pregnant belly casting kits have extensive, detailed instructions for making, decorating, preserving and hanging your low-definition pregnancy lifecast. They use professional, medical-grade materials which are safe and easy to use following our clear and helpful safety guides, so you can be assured of good results, regardless of your experience levels. Made in the UK since 2001.

DIY kits are usually dispatched within 7 working days of ordering, however more urgent orders can be made by emailing us first. 

If you wish to purchase a GIFT VOUCHER for a high definition cast, similar to those in our casting gallery, click HERE or email to book a bespoke belly casting option.